
Discover the benefits of an Anti-inflammatory Diet by visiting a physical therapist

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be your major priority. But do you know that modifying your diet can help manage or prevent chronic pain and inflammation? In some patients, diet management can avoid the likelihood of underlying symptoms. Whichever diet you select doesn’t have to look like punishment for ignorance, but ways to improve your wellbeing.

At In Step physical therapy, our physical therapist recommends dietary management with exercises and other therapeutic modalities in line with your condition. This anti-inflammatory diet may contain some old menu items that you may not be used to, but it only for a little while until you achieve a pain-free condition. If you want to have a one-on-one session with one of our licensed physical therapists, contact us to book an appointment today!!!

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Be spice smart

Some foods are delicious, but you might decide to add some spice to them to improve the taste a bit. A plethora of herbs and spices created by mother nature can be used due to their ability to decrease inflammation and pain. For instance, if you are a lover of Indian cuisine, you will be grateful that turmeric contains curcumin, an active anti-inflammatory. While Diallyl disulfide also contains natural anti-inflammatory and has much garlic in it. Capsaicin which is found in cayenne pepper, is a natural pain killer. Also, you adding oregano helps provide a high in antioxidants.

Do not get rid of the sweets. Just modify them!

Refined sugar usually causes and increases inflammatory problems and other related symptoms. According to research, consumption of only one sugary soda a day has been discovered to cause 68 percent high chances of suffering from rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in women.

Luckily, you can consume a sweet diet without the need for sugar in your meal. Taking a fresh or frozen fruit at the end of each entire course meal can provide a mild change that won’t relieve the pain receptors. Also, you can opt for alternative options like stevia, package sweetener, or natural sweetener.


Taking Fermented meal and Yogurt are best for your gut

In the gut, different bacteria frequently battle to establish it present in this region of the body. These bacteria can be categorized into bad and good bacteria. Bad bacteria promote digestive discomfort, inflammation, and chronic pain. While Good bacteria help aid digestion health by eliminating harmful bacteria.

Adding sufficient probiotic foods to diets helps enhance the performance of good bacteria. Such foods include low-fat yogurt and fermented products like miso, kimchi, pickles, and sauerkraut.

Including veggies and fruits in your meal

Adding vegetables and fruits as part of your course meal can help improve your body functions as well as overall wellbeing.

Vegetables and fruits come in varying species and colors, from brilliant green, which is very common, to deep purple, brilliant yellow, and then neon orange. Each of these colors stands for a particular function when eaten. That is why it is highly advisable to consume lots of vegetables as food.

These varying beautiful colors are provided by nutrients and antioxidants, which consist of high anti-inflammatory power. An excellent example of an inflammation fighter vegetable is cabbage and broccoli. They both contain vitamin k and are good for health.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Consuming lean rather than red meats

Consuming fried chicken, hamburgers, deli meats, and other protein sources is great and easy, but you may find it inconvenient when pain or inflammation occurs.

To not fall victim to such a situation, choosing healthier proteins that contain basic nutritional values can effectively address the problem. Foods such as tuna, salmon, and other fatty fish are highly advisable to eat regularly because they contain high anti-inflammatory omega-3s. You can also consume food like legumes and tofu dishes as well.

Consult a physical therapist in Edmonton today!! 

Adjusting your diet is a basic foundation in achieving a comfortable and pain-free lifestyle. However, altering diet alone may not be effective in eradicating chronic pain, inflammation, and other underlying conditions. If you are experiencing pain, inflammation, diseases, ailments, or any underlying problem, physical therapy can be adopted in treating such conditions you are suffering from.

Depending on your condition determines the type of treatment plan that will be administered. Some of the common therapeutic techniques use include dry needling, ultrasound treatment, and manual therapies. Although, additional therapeutic modalities may as well be included, such as ice or heat therapy. You may be recommended home-based exercises and stretching in order to improve your body.


Do you need more information? Contact us!!

Our Edmonton physical therapy can come to your rescue using an evidence-based therapeutic approach to address your health problem. They will gather necessary information from you before developing a personalized lifestyle plan that will be adopted to treat your problem. This plan will include exercises, diet management, ergonomic training, as well as other strategies that can be used to improve your comfort.

As soon as you begin to notice a decrease in pain and Anti-inflammatory benefits of your new dietary supplements, you can achieve lots of benefits by incorporating physical therapy and other pain management training. If you would like to meet with an instep physical therapy specialist today, contact us to book an appointment!