Ian Soles


In 2010 he co-founded Salutaris Centre for Lymphatic & Massage Therapy in Edmonton with Dr. Dianne Kipnes leading it to be recognized by Alberta Health Services (AHS) as a comprehensive lymphedema clinic serving cancer and non-cancer related adult and pediatric clients.

In 2014 Ian delivered a paper at the International Lymphedema Framework Conference in Glasgow, Scotland entitled Putting Lymphedema on the Map in Alberta. In addition he has presented numerous sessions on lymphatic therapy to healthcare professionals, industry and patient groups. He also initiated and presented two Patient Education Series on Chronic Edema & Lymphedema in conjunction with MacEwan University and 3M Canada.

Following his participation in the development of a lymphatic research initiative at the Synder Institute for Chronic Disease, University of Calgary Ian was asked to co-lead an Alberta Lymphedema Network research initiative between:

  • University of Calgary Snyder Institute for Chronic Diseases,
  • University of Calgary Kipnes Lymphatic Imaging Suite,
  • University of Alberta National Institute of Nanotechnology and
  • University of Alberta Human Metabolomics Project

to create a collaborative, sustainable, province-wide lymphedema research project for presentation to Alberta Innovates-Health Solutions.

Ian currently serves on the:

Member of:

In 2014 Ian was presented with the inaugural award by the MTAA for Professional Practice.