Occupational therapy (OT) is a branch of health care that helps people of all ages who have physical, sensory, or cognitive problems. It helps to solve the problems that interfere with a person’s ability to do everyday things like Self-care, being productive , going to work or school, participating in the community, and sports and Leisure activities. We provide Occupational therapy in Edmonton with a full conscience to our hearts and for those who we treat.

Our pediatric occupational therapy in Downtown Edmonton can help you regain independence in all areas of your life. Occupational therapists help with barriers that affect a person’s emotional, social, and physical needs.

At In Step Physical Therapy we provide Occupational Therapy to our clients. Our Registered Occupational Therapist has more experience in treating children and they have helped them to become more confident & productive.


We also have a private occupational therapist who can train you in a family-centered approach to perform Fine motor movements, visual motor movements, and visual perceptual assessment and treatment
Support with pre-printing, printing, cursive writing, and legibility using multisensory activities and the Handwriting Without Tears program
Support with sensory processing and sensory needs
Education and support with intro reception skills and awareness using the Inter reception Curriculum
Education and support with co-regulation and self-regulation, using aspects of the Zones of Regulation and Social Thinking programs
Feeding therapy and education for problem feeders using the SOS Approach to Feeding
Support with activities of daily living, including sleeping, dressing, toileting, bathing, and hygiene
Support with executive function skills, including focus, attention, planning, and organization.


A strength-based and client-centered approach to services
Upper body assessment and treatment, with a focus on returning to meaningful occupations/activities
Support with sensory processing and sensory needs
Education and support with interoception skills and awareness using the Interoception Curriculum.
Occupational Therapy includes support with activities of daily living including sleeping, dressing, toileting, bathing, and hygiene
Support with executive function skills, including focus, attention, planning, and organization

Miller Function & Participation Scales – This is the fine motor and visual motor assessment It is standardized for kids aged 2:6 to 7:11. It takes about an hour to administer, about an hour to interview and debrief with parents, and about 2-3 hours to complete interpretation and report writing.
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales – This is another fine motor assessment that is done for younger children (pre-kindergarten). This assessment takes a similar amount of time (sometimes broken up into multiple sessions depending on the child’s focus/attention
Sensory Profile 2 – This is the sensory assessment. This is done multiple times in the school setting for children of different ages. It uses questionnaires for caregivers and teachers, so it does not take as long to administer. This assessment can take longer (2-3 hours) to interpret, write a report on, and debrief with families, as it can be complicated.
Test of Visual Perceptual Skills, 4th Edition – This is a test of visual perceptual skills for children aged 4:0 to 18:11. This test is done when the OT feel like there is something other than fine motor skills challenges going on. It takes about half an hour to administer, and a couple hours to interpret and write a report.