Educational Videos edmonton
Lymphatic Anatomy and Physiology
As Salutaris therapists specialize in combining massage therapy techniques with lymphatic drainage techniques we thought that it is important to provide a selection of YouTube videos to give you educational information on how the lymphatic system functions, how it relates to the circulatory system and its role in the immune system function. We have also provided video information on ways to maintain a healthy immune system and will continue to add more as they become available.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
The following videos demonstrate a few of the fundamental massage strokes used in the Vodder technique for Manual Lymphatic Drainage. As you can note in these videos the Vodder technique involves very deliberate, light, rhythmical strokes that include a zero pressure point in the stroke to direct the fluid along the lymphatic pathway. This aspect of the technique is unique to Vodder and differs from all the other lymphatic drainage approaches currently practiced in North America. It is these techniques that distinguish Vodder making it the leading manual lymphatic drainage technique in the world and considered the “gold standard” of practice.
Post-Operative MLD Massage
The videos included in this section provide footage of interviews with a Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Bart Rademaker of Tampa Bay, Florida discussing the importance of the lymphatic system in healing and the benefits of Post-Operative Manual Lymph Drainage. As a result of his European training Dr. Rademaker is a proponent of MLD following plastic surgery and sports injury recovery.