Exercise Related Research Edmonton
The research outlined in this section pertains to two types of research:
- Research that assesses the risks and benefits to individuals with or at risk for lymphedema participating in exercise activities.
- Research that assesses the benefits of Manual Lymph Drainage to exercise or athletic event recovery
Bonnie B. Lasinski, MA, PT, CLT-LANA
Markes M, Brockow T, Resch KL (2006) Exercise for women receiving adjuvant therapy for breast cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2(4): CD005001. Mazzoni MC, Skalak TC, Shmid Shönbein BW (1990) Effects of skeletal muscle fiber deformation on lymphatic volumes. AMJ Physiol 259(part 2): H 1860–8
Piller N, Craig G, Leduc A, Ryan T (2006) Does breathing have an influence on lymphatic drainage? J Lymphoedema 1(1): 86–8
Lane K, Worsley D, McKenzie D (2005) Lymphoscintigraphy to evaluate the effects of upper body dynamic exercise and handgrip exercise on radiopharmaceutical clearance from hands of healthy females. Lymph Res Biol 3(1): 16–24
Lane K, Jespersen D, McKenzie DC (2005) The effect of a whole body exercise programme and dragon boat training on arm volume and arm circumference in women treated for breast cancer. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl) 14(4): 353–8
Moseley A, Piller N, Carati C (2005) The effect of gentle arm exercise and deep breathing on secondary arm lymphoedema. Lymphology 38(3): 136–45
Penedo FJ, Dahn JR (2005) Exercise and well-being: a review of mental and physical health benefits associated with physical activity. Curr Opin Psych 18(2): 189–93
Sandel SL, Judge JO, Landry N, Faria L, Ouellette R, Majczak M (2005) Dance and movement program improves quality-of-life measures in breast cancer survivors. Cancer Nurs 28(4): 301–9
Box R, Marnes T, Robertson V (2004) Aquatic physiotherapy and breast cancer related lymphoedema. 5th Australasian Lymphology Association Conference Proceedings 47–9
Buckley G, Piller N, Moseley A (2004) Can exercise improve lympatic flow? A pilot trial of the objective measurement of fluid movement in subjects with mild secondary lymphoedema. 5th Australasian Lymphology Association Conference Proceedings, 37–42
Johansson K, Tibe, Kanne L, Skantz H (2004) Controlled physical training for arm lymphedma patients. Lymphology 37(suppl): 37–9
Moseley A, Piller N, Carati C, Esterman A (2004) The Sun Ancon Chi Machine Aerobic Exerciser: a new patient focused, home based therapy for people with chronic secondary leg lymphoedema. Lymphology 37: 53–61
Padberg FT Jr, Johnston MV, Sisto SA (2004) Structured exercise improves calf muscle pump function in chronic venous insufficiency: a randomized trial. J Vasc Surg 39(1): 79–87
Turner J, Hayes S, Reul-Hirche H (2004) ‘Improving the physical status and quality of life of women treated for breast cancer: A pilot study of a structured exercise intervention’. J Surg Oncol 86: 141–6
Yanagisawa O, Kudo H, Takahashi N, Yoshioka H (2004) Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of cooling on blood flow and oedema in skeletal muscles after exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol 91(5–6): 737–40
Kahn SR, Azoulay L, Hirsch A, Haber M, Strulovitch C, Shrier I (2003) Acute effects of exercise in patients with previous deep venous thrombosis: impact of the postthrombotic syndrome. Chest 123(2): 399–405
Moseley A, Piller N, Carati C, Esterman A (2003) The impact of the Sun Ancon Chi Machine Aerobic Exerciser on chronic oedema of the legs. Aus NZ J Phlebology 7(2): 5–10
Kugler C, Strunk M, Rudofsky G (2001) Venous pressure dynamics of the healthy human leg. Role of muscle activity, joint mobility and anthropometric factors. J Vasc Res 38(1): 20–9
Havas E, Lehtonen M, Vuorela J, Parviainen T, Vihko V (2000) Albumin clearance from human skeletal muscle during prolonged steady-state running. Exp Physiol 85(6): 863–8
Harris SR, Niesen-Vertommen SL (2000) Challenging the myth of exercise-induced lymphedema following breast cancer: a series of case reports. J Surg Oncol 74( 2): 95–8
Yang D, Vandongen YK, Stacey MC (1999) Effect of exercise on calf muscle pump function in patients with chronic venous disease. Br J Surg 86(3): 338–41
Brennan MJ, Miller LT (1998) Overview of treatment options and review of the current role and use of compression garments, intermittent pumps, and exercise in the management of lymphedema. Cancer (suppl) 83(12): 2821–27
Herbertz U (1998) Erysipelas and lymphedema. Fortschritte der Medizin 116(12): 36–40 Johansson K, Ohlsson K, Ingvar C, Albertsson M, Ekdahl C (2002) Factors associated with the development of arm lymphedema following breast cancer treatment: a match pair case-control study. Lymphology 35(2): 59–71
Olszewski WL, Engeset A (1998) Vasomotoric function of lymphatics and lymph transport in limbs during massage and with elastic support. In: Partsch H (ed) Progress in Lymphology XI. Excerpta Medica, International Congress series 779, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 571–5
Casley-Smith JR (1997) Modern Treatment for Lymphoedema 5th edn. Terrace Printing, Australia Coates G, O’Brodovich H, Goeree G (1993) Hindlimb and lung lymph flows during prolonged exercise. J Appl Physiol 75(2): 633–8
Havas E, Parviainen T, Vuorela J, Toivanen J, Nikula T, Vihko V (1997) Lymph flow dynamics in exercising human skeletal muscle as detected by scintography. J Physiol 504(Pt 1): 233–9
Sumner DS (1995) Hemodynamics and pathophysiology of venous disease. In: Rutherford RB, ed. Vascular Surgery. 4th edn. WB Saunders, Philadelphia: 1673–98 Taylor-Piliae RE, Haskell WL, Waters CM, Froelicher ES (2006) Change in perceived psychosocial status following a 12-week Tai Chi exercise programme. J Adv Nurs 54(3): 313–29
McGeown JG, McHale NG, Thornbury KD (1987) The role of external compression and movement in lymph propulsion in the sheep hind limb. J Physiol 387: 83–93 McKenzie DC, Kalda AL (2003) Effect of upper extremity exercise on secondary lymphedema in breast cancer patients: A pilot study. J Clin Oncol 21(3): 463–6
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