Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Edmonton

Pelvic Floor Relief is Much Closer Than You Think!

Pelvic Floor Relief is Much Closer Than You Think!

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Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Edmonton

Do you experience incontinence, chronic pelvic pain, constipation, prolapse, or unexplained pain in your low back, pelvic region, hips, genital area, or rectum?

If so, you are not alone!

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a fairly common condition affecting both men and women equally that inhibits a person from being able to relax and coordinate the muscles in the pelvic floor. Contrary to public opinion, both men and women have issues with pelvic floor muscles, though it is more predominant in females.

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Working with a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist in Edmonton can assist in reducing pelvic pain and improving the strength, control, and functioning of the pelvic floor muscles.

At In Step Physical Therapy, our pelvic floor rehabilitation program includes a variety of techniques, strategies, and exercises that can help alleviate your symptoms.

Choosing In Step for Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Edmonton

  • At In Step Physical Therapy, we have been successfully treating various pelvic floor dysfunctions in both male and female populations for the last decade.
  • We have built a multi-faceted team of certified Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists, certified Rost Therapy Clinicians, and certified Pfilates clinicians(for both men and women) who deliver a holistic package of awareness, education, symptom relief, and long-term management.
  • Our approach involves developing a structured program to help alleviate your symptoms. Once a plan is in place, the physiotherapist will also equip you with exercises that may benefit from home care.
  • Plus you can always be well assured that you will receive gracious and professional care from our team of highly trained and experienced physiotherapists. 
Who Can Benefit From In Step’s Edmonton Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Don’t Suffer in Silence Behind Closed Doors!

Leave Your Inhibitions Aside and Come Talk to Our Empathetic Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists 


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