The Salutaris Centre Is Now In Step Massage Therapy
Salutaris’ Registered Massage Therapists are unique in combining their lymphatic therapy techniques with numerous therapeutic massage approaches. This combination not only addresses the musculoskeletal system but also enhances nervous system function, and improves lymphatic and immune system function.
Whether you have a specific treatment requirement, a concern about a soft tissue, edema, or joint related problem or are interested in generally improving your immune system function Salutaris can be of assistance.
Salutaris has built, and continues to build, referral relationships with many medical professionals, physicians, and specialists due to the extensive knowledge, training, and experience of our therapists.
Salutaris Centre is a leading-edge therapeutic clinic specializing in massage and lymphatic therapy to treat a number of conditions:
- Accident or injury recovery:
Salutarisā therapists can treat injuries much earlier than most physical therapies due to the gentleness of combining massage and lymphatic therapies. Early treatment results in reduced inflammation, swelling, and pain hence improving tissue healing and recovery time. Some of the more common injuries treated include: Motor Vehicle Accidents, whiplash, slip & fall accidents, cuts and burns and sports injuries.
- Stress:
Whether your experiencing significant stress as a result of a particularly difficult situation or just need a little time to unwind from the regular pressures of everyday life Salutaris therapists are available to meet your needs. Our therapists bring a wide variety of relaxing massage therapy approaches to the table including Thai massage, Lymphatic massage, Reiki, as well as numerous therapeutic and deep tissue techniques.
- Post-operative recovery from soft tissue, joint and bone surgery:
Salutaris Centre offers treatments to accelerate healing by decreasing swelling, pain, and removing dead cell particle.Ā Types of surgeries include dental surgery, plastic surgery, second and third degree muscle tears, fractures and any orthopedic surgery, including complete joint replacement.
- Lymphedema:
Lymphedema is a condition that results from a disruption to the lymphatic system’s ability to remove proteins and fluid that may result in a chronically swollen limb or region of the body.Ā Lymphedema can occur either from birth or after an injury, surgery, radiation, or inflammation and can become progressively worse if untreated.
In addition to our specialized services Salutaris therapists offer a wide range of therapeutic massage modalities including, but not limited to: deep tissue work, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and acupressure.
Given the extensive training and experience of Salutaris therapists sessions are customized to your needs based on your personal case history and unique requirements.